Eric Wubbels

Eric Wubbels (b.1980) is a composer and performer. Since 2004 he has been pianist and
Co-Director of the Wet Ink Ensemble (NYC),
and he performs regularly in projects with
Mariel Roberts and Josh Modney, Weston Olencki, and Charmaine Lee, among others.

His music has been presented by LA Phil Green Umbrella series, Huddersfield Festival (hcmf),
ISSUE Project Room, Bowerbird, Chicago Symphony MusicNOW, New York Philharmonic CONTACT,
Contempuls (Prague), and
Zurich Tage für Neue Musik.

Wubbels has been awarded grants and fellowships from the American Academy of Arts and Letters,
Fromm Foundation, Chamber Music America, ISSUE Project Room, MATA Festival,
Barlow Endowment, Jerome Foundation,
and Yvar Mikhashoff Trust, and residencies at the MacDowell
Colony (’11, ’16, ’20), Copland House, L’Abri (Geneva), 
Djerassi Resident Artists Program, and Civitella
Ranieri Center (Italy).

As a performer, he has given U.S. and world premieres of works by major figures such as Peter Ablinger,
Richard Barrett,
Beat Furrer, George Lewis, and Mathias Spahlinger, as well as vital young artists such as
Rick Burkhardt,
Erin Gee, Bryn Harrison, Clara Iannotta, Darius Jones, Cat Lamb, Ingrid Laubrock,
Charmaine Lee, Alex Mincek, Sam Pluta,
Katharina Rosenberger, Kate Soper, and Anna Webber.

He has recorded for hatART, Pi Recordings, Intakt, Carrier Records, New Focus, and quiet design,
among others, and has held
teaching positions at Amherst College and Oberlin Conservatory.